A Bushfire Lament

A Bushfire Lament


A Bushfire Lament, inspired by Psalm 13

Pyrocumulus cloud.

Ember attack

Fire storm

Fire tornado

Fire front

 We’ve had to learn new phrases, new vocabulary to talk about our tragedy. 




We’ve reached for words to match its awfulness


We’ve renamed days too:

Red Tuesday (1898)

Ash Wednesday (1983) 

Black Thursday (1851)

Black Friday (1939)

Black Saturday (2009)

Black Sunday (1926, 1955)

Black Christmas (1971)

We’re only missing Monday! 

We speak with wet eyes of towns, whose names few of us knew before

Bruthen and Coongbar

Wytaliba and Willawarrin

Jingalic and Cobargo

Maramingo Creek and Conjola


And we’ve pulled out that old faded word that often comes out at a time like this,like an old dusty book that sits on the shelf, rarely opened, somewhat disowned.


We’re all praying for rain. Believer and unbeliever alike. Rain.

And we’re asking of God Why hasn’t God protected us?

Has God forgotten us?

How can God be good?

Until when will we wait for our prayers to be answered?

Until when will we wait? 

We look at our calendars –and we know we can’t take a breath ‘til March.

It’s no longer ‘summer’, it’s ‘fire season’

We wake to the smell of smoke.

Our phones lit up with our emergency apps

And we’re out in our gardens

And we’re keeping our grass low

And we’re raking up our leaves

And emptying the gutters 

But where are you, Lord?

Forgotten. That’s how we feel.

Look our way!

Just below the 26th parallel.

To our, your, great, southern, sunburnt land.

 ‘Thou art coming to a king, Large petitions with thee bring’‘

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God’

Here we are.

We stand in prayer. We kneel in prayer

Our prayers are in our thoughts. Our thoughts turn into prayers. 

Look our way, O Lord.

Reach out your hands in mercy and fill those clouds with rain across our vast land.

Not pitter patter rain. Not gentle rain. Not Melbourne rain – give us Brisbane rain!

Not floodS!, but hearty, drenching, life-giving, fire-quenching, Drought-ending, renewing rain. 

We cannot bring this about ourselves.

We feel our powerlessness, Lord.

Without you, who made and is sovereign over all, we cannot turn the flames back. 

We trust that your love will not fail.

That our farms will recover.

Our animals breed.

Our air be refreshed.

Our towns restored.

Our people re-hoped. 

And we will sing your praise again.

For we know your goodness.

Your friendship is genuine.

Your ears are turned towards us.

Your love never fails.

Your mercy unending. Amen.

Tracy Lauersen, Gippsland, January 2020 


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